Friday, May 26, 2006

News & Stuff...

I was reading BBC News yesterday and I came across an article about the impending Papal visit to Poland. It turns out Poland has banned the sale of Ice Cream during his visit. Apparently ice cream will "go off" in the hot weather, which poses a health hazard. Would the ice cream melt long before it went bad? The state also banned television commercials featuring contraceptives, lingerie and tampons. Poland claims the faithful that have turned out for the papal visit will be "hurt" if they are watching a TV program about the Pope, and are forced to watch a commercial for tampons in the middle. Those crazy Poles.

In other news, a Nebraska man has been deemed too short to serve prison time for his sexual offenses. The judge decide the 5'1" man was too short to survive in the prison atmosphere. The most surprising thing I got from this news story was that they is a group called the "Nation Organization of Short Statured Adults." That is amazing, in fact it might the most important thing I've ever heard, ever. I do take an issue with this group. Their spokesman is 5'4", which to me seems a bit tall for the group. I would think to be a member of NOSSA you would have to be under 5'2". Five feet four inches just seems too damn tall.

I also wanted to let you know that I have added a counter to my site. This is the "& Stuff..."

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