Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Four Letter Word

I had written this up when it was still in the news, however, I didn't have internet access at the time.

I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton, I think her husband seems like a pretty cool dude, at least as far a politicians go, but she sucks. Apparently she doesn't appreciate my generation so much, according to her work is a four letter word to us. Technically it is a four letter word, count 'em W-O-R-K. But she didn't mean it literally, did she? I was thinking about some of the four letter words that kids (I guess I'm not really a kid, but whatever) these days enjoy, and I don't think she likes them. Fuck that is a four letter word, and from what we all know if she had done more of it her hubby probably wouldn't have strayed. Of course that's not what he was doing, what he was doing was Oral, there's another four letter word for you. Her husband admitted to using Weed, so one can only assume he wasn't the only one. I'm sure the two of them unjoyed some real fine Arkasas Grass. But, I guess it all boils down to the fact that HRC is nothing but a giant Cunt. Rant over.


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