Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Bat Attack

As you may recall my car had a little run in with a bat back on the 26th of July, well the other night we had some more bat news. My family stumbled upon a dead bat on our porch. Damn that is a creepy little animal. The weirdest thing about it, is the way he had a smile on his face. And yes I know it was a he, you could see his little bat balls up close, although I don't think they're noticeable in the pictures. While we were trying to decide what to do with the bat it disappeared. We left it over night with the intention of burying it the next day, but it was gone. Apparently something ate it, we do have foxes and coyotes in the area, but it freaks me out to think they climbed a flight of stairs and came on to our porch to supper.

You can kind of see his smile in that picture, but the light was low and my hand unsteady so most of the pictures look like blurry crap.
This picture is a bit clearer, but as you can see it is upsidedown, but that's the way bats like it.

And here are some cute kittens to offset the dead bat.

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