Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Thank You Very Much Mr. Thomas.

Not to sound like Jerry Seinfeld, but What's the deal with English Muffins? They're not even muffins. They are to muffins, what animals crackers are to regular crackers. But that is neither here nor there, my real problem has to do with the impossibility of separating the muffin in half. It is the only bread product that I know that requires the use of a fork to cut it in half? Why can't we just use a knife like with everything else?

As you can see I didn't have any luck with that muffin. I'd say a good 90% of my English Muffins end up looking like that or worse. I should talk to my grandmother; opening an English Muffin seems like the kind of thing a grandmother would be good at. (I know it is grammatically incorrect to end a sentence with "at" but deal with me here.) Regardless of their impossible nature, I will continue to eat English Muffins slathered in butter and then topped with Cloudberry jam. It's like dessert.


March2theSea said...

dude..use a fork to "split em" it works the best and you keep all the "nooks and crannies"

The Guinness Tooth said...

That's part of my point. I don't want to use a fork. It isn't natural to have to use a fork to open a so called "muffin."