Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Vermont Independence

I've been a long time supporter of Independence movements of all varieties. Be it deserved as in the case of the Basque in northern Spain and southern France, or the not so deserved in the case of the Welsh (sorry Welsh people).

Yesterday I was poking around Wikipedia and I came across a movement within Vermont to regain(??) independence. I don't know what shocked me more, the fact that Vermonters want a nation on to their own?, or that they actually were an independent republic at one point. This doesn't even include the shock dealt to me when I saw the original name of the nation was the Republic of New Connecticut. But, forget about that, lets get down to the meat of the idea.

In 1776 Vermonters led a successful rebellion against Britain, New York and New Hampshire, and declared themselves independent in January of 1777.

In 1791 Vermont voluntarily joined the United States as a counterweight to the admission of slave holding Kentucky.

In 2003 Thomas Naylor formed a movement to secede from the US. The movement is support by 8% of the population according to Which, the same site claims, is the highest rate of secessionist leanings of any US state. Even higher than that of the other two nations the US annexed, the Republic of Texas, and the Kingdom of Hawai'i.

Enough history and stats, I want to tell you why I support this movement. I don't like new age hippies. I can't stand patchouli smelling, dreadlock wearing, bare foot, phish fans. Don't get me wrong, there are hippies I like, but on a personal level. I don't like hippies as a group. For that reason I would love for Vermont to be independent. I'm sure hippies would flock there like flies on shit, only smelling worse. Think of all the Netherlands-esqu laws they would enact. Living just down the river from them, I'm sure the weed would be making its way down (not that I condone such behavior, I just think marijuana should be legal). Vermont as a nation would be free to make all the cheese, and ice cream their little hearts desire. I could always go visit for the skiing. Not only that, but as I stated above, I love the idea of small break away nations. I was behind the Quebecois in their effort for independence. I was saddened when they failed. I would support Newfoundland and Labrador if they chose to secede as well. It's not just Canadians I support. I support Texan independence, but that's because I don't like Texas (and that has nothing to due with GW Bush), and I just don't like the state. I'd support Scottish independence from the UK, Greenlandic and Faroese independence from Denmark, Basque independence as stated above, Catalan independence from Spain, Chiapas' independence from Mexico, Tibetan independence from China, Kurdish independence from Iraq and Turkey, Flemish and Wallonian independence from Belgium, Corsica - Brittany - Alsace Loraine and Normandy from France, Bavaria from Germany, and not mention just about anything in Africa. None of those African borders mean anything, just let everyone break up.

In addition to my distaste for hippies, I would also take advantage of the situation by moving to Vermont prior to independence. In doing this I would gain Vermont citizenship, and yet retain my American citizenship, and would finally have my long desired dual-citizenship.

I know very little of this is realistic, but I can dream can't I?

The official flag of the Republic of Vermont.

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