Thursday, March 09, 2006


Talk about guilty pleasure television, VH1's 100 Greatest toys is fucking awesome. So far they're not even half way done and I've already seen too many toys I had forgotten. It's like nostalgia overload. I don't know how much I can take. One thing I'm sure of is that I need to go buy Colorforms to give to my siblings*. I already came way to close to spending $80 on Legos the other day for my brother. VH1 is the king of guilty pleasure television, I don't know how they do it, but they do it.

*by give to my siblings I mean use myself.


March2theSea said...

i have yet to see a single part..steering clear for the same reason..ebay+recapturing my youth = high credit card bills.

The Guinness Tooth said...

ahhh why'd you have to do that? now i'll check ebay. i didn't even think of that.