Monday, March 20, 2006

Tom Cruise is a Douche.

Ok you already knew that, but did you hear what he "supposedly" tried to do this week. First Isaac Hayes quit South Park because the show had gone too far when it made fun of Scientology. Sure it was fine to make fun of every other religion under the sun, but making fun of the most ridicules religion in the main stream went too far. For any of you that don't know this The Church Scientology was created by a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard. I cannot fathom following the religious teaching of a science fiction writer. Back on topic; Tom Cruise refused to continue promoting his upcoming "Mission Impossible III" movie unless Viacom stopped the reruns of the episode of South Park that made fun of Scientology. Viacom owns both Paramount, the company releasing "MI: III", and Comedy Central, the station airing South Park. I just don't know where Tom is going to stop. If this man were to marry someone other than Katie Holms, say Madonna, we'd see the end of the world. I do believe there would be an end to humanity if Insane Tome Cruise could marry Insane Madonna. I'm done, this whole thing is too much for it. Crazy people everywhere.

1 comment:

March2theSea said...

the last issue of rolling stone (flying tomato on cover) had a HUGE article on this "religion" it was very well done...and out and out scary.

Tom Cruise blows..MI3..please..