Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Wandering Scribe

Yesterday I was reading the news over at bbc.co.uk, and came across this article here, about a woman that lives in her car, and writes a daily blog. I haven't had time to read the blog as covered in the story, but felt a desire to write about it nonetheless. I did read the BBC article however. Having known someone that lived in their car along with their family for a period of time, I feel to the need to help others in the same situation. Luckily for the person close to me, they were able to get themselves back on their feet again, but some people never acheive that. I hope this woman, who refuses to be identified, refuses to recieve help, and most startingly refuses to let anyone she knows know she is homeless. She lives in her car, and cleans up, and showers, and even irons her clothes everyday in public facilities. I wish her the best of luck, and plan to read the blog as soon as I get a chance. To see it for yourself check out wanderingscribe.blogspot.com

1 comment:

wanderingScribe said...

At last I am free to tell you all my friends about my wonderful news.
Come visit my new site at WanderingScribe’s Journey for more details.
Kindest Regards,