Saturday, April 22, 2006

L. Ron Hubbard + Tom Cruise = El Chupacabra

I think I may have finally solved the mystery of both the Chupacabra and Tom Cruise. They are one in the same. I know you think this is crazy, but I did some research, and it does make a sense. Lets get the facts first.

1. The first Chupacabra sightings were in Puerto Rico in the early 1990's.
2. Tom Cruise was create by L. Ron Hubbard in a laboratory in New Jersey.
3. Tom Cruise has admitted he enjoys eating both Placenta and Umbilical Cords. (see the May issue of GQ)
4. Tom Cruise filmed two movies over that period, both in the southern portion of the United States, making it easy to travel to Latin America.
5. The Chupacabra is believed to be between 3 and 4 feet tall, Tom Cruise is believed to be between 3 and 4 feet tall.
6. Some people believe the Chupacabra was an alien captured by NASA, and allowed to escape in Latin America.
7. Tom Cruise believes the earth is populated by Aliens.
8. Others believe the Chupacabra was the result of a Genetic experiment started by a secret American government group at El Yunque mountain in eastern Puerto Rico.
9. Still more people believe Fact 2, L. Ron Hubbard was a trained scientist who could have easily created a man from equal parts alien DNA, and New Jersey toxic waste.

From these facts it become increasingly obvious that Tom Cruise is in fact the Chupacabra. I need to do some more research on this entire thing before I publish in a respectable scientific journal, but in the mean time if you have an further information as to the facts pertaining to this case please leave them in the comment box. I thank you for any help you can give me in my research.

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