Sunday, April 16, 2006

The day the Bunny died.

It is still technically Easter for the next 42 minutes, so I've decided to share with you the "fondest" Easter memory of my childhood.

I think I was about 9 or 10 years old, and I might've still believed in the Easter Bunny. So, I go to bed the saturday night before Easter expecting nothing, but the best in the morning. At that point I had no idea I was about to be traumatized beyond my wildest dreams. At about half past 4 in the morning I was awaken to a terrible screeching noise, that sounded like a cat fighting something (easter bunny??). My mother hates cats so we did not have one, but my neighbor did, so it must've been the neighbors cat fighting. I didn't think anything of it, I was living in a wooded area at the time, and I figured the cat could be fighting anything; another cat, a raccoon, an opossum, or a BUNNY RABBIT. At this point I freak out thinking the neighbor's cat is in the process of killing the Easter Bunny. Instinctively I jumped out of bed to see what was outside my window, to make sure there was no giant dead rabbit in my back yard. Fortunately for me I stumbled upon my Easter basket before reaching the window. This relieved me, I no longer cared if the Easter Bunny was dead, I already had my Easter basket. I never did reach the window to check the backyard. The next morning I checked the area where I heard the noise, and there was no pool of blood which could mean only one thing... the Easter Bunny escaped. By the time the next Easter rolled around I had resigned myself to stop believing in all things mystical (with Bigfoot being the sole exception). Some day when I'm equipped with sophisticated crypto-zoological equipment I shall find Bigfoot, maybe he killed the Easter Bunny.

1 comment:

March2theSea said...

hey la la if you don't get back to my blog..i'll hook ya for sure.