Monday, April 24, 2006

Movie Projectors

Last night I went to see Friends With Money with my girlfriend, and it got me thinking. Thinking about how I'm going to miss it when all movie theatres switch from old fashion film projectors to the new digital projectors. I love the click click of a projector, coming from over your shoulder during a movie. That subtle click click represents something to me that I can't really put into words, but I love it.

I think it's strange that I'm only 21, and have already reached a point in my life where I'm forced to reminisce about things from my childhood. It's more than just the projector, I've come of age in the time where our society is switching from analog to digital. I remember rabbit ears on my TV, rotary telephones, VHS and Cassette tapes, and yet none of those things will have any further impact on my life. I don't know is rotary phones will even work on today's digital phone lines, or if it will be long before all new digital televisions have eliminated the RCA connector finally killing off the VCR. What about the cassette? Will cars continue to be built with them much longer? My last two stereo's didn't come with a cassette player.

I'm not complaining. I just think it's odd that when I think back on a simpler time, it is only the mid 90s I think of.

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