Thursday, September 07, 2006

Today is my first day back in classes, I've been dreading this day for, uh, um, days?. I thought I had to go back to school this past Tuesday, I got ready, and then at the last minute saw I was scheduled to return today. I had spent Monday trying to get the most out of summer, in anticipation of my return to school. I went to Six Flags Over New England. My trip to Six Flags had one, and only one, purpose, to ride The Typhoon. A water roller-coaster. It was 75 degrees out, and because my lovely girlfriend wanted to go on this one ride, we made the trek to Six Flags to go to the water park! Don't get me wrong, I too wanted to go to Six Flags, but a water park in 75 degree weather is not fun. But, The Typhoon was fun, so we rode it twice. I nearly chiped a tooth from my teeth chattering.

In other news:
If you recall I had some issues trying to get tickets for Sunday's Flaming Lips concert in Boston. After Ticketmaste refused to sell me tickets because I didn't have an AmEx card, and then offered crappy seats I decided to skip the show. I've never seen the Lips, and really wanted to go, so I broke down and bought some tickets on ebay. It was too late for Boston, so I got tickets for the NYC show, through ebay. Two tickets for $104 (including shiping and insurance), which is less than what two tickets for Boston would have cost me via Ticketbastard. The best thing about it, is that the tix are GA on the floor. Thats better than anything I could've gotten for Boston. My girlfriend is happy to go, aside from the possibility of being surrounded by dirty hippies. If you've been a long time reader of my blog, or atleast since late June, you'll know I hate hippies. She fears being crowded in a small place with dirty people, regardless of thier hippie-ness, hippies just tend to be extra dirty.

Speaking of Hippies, I've think I may be starting to look like one. I'll be like one of those Self-Loathing-Jews, except I'll be a Self-Loathing-Hippy. Long hair (pulled up in a bun), and a scruffy beard, and Birkenstocks, all year, even in the winter.


March2theSea said...

I looked on line for a single lips ticket for boston..section 2 in the 7th row. I don't have "clearence" from the "boss" so I passed..for now.

The lips are awesomely fun'll love it. THe set list doesn't change at all but the theater of it all is awesome.

later hippy..


pog mo thoin said...

Guinness - I linked to your "I hate hippies" post but only got the "I hate ticketmaster post"! Are you saying that hippies = ticketmaster???

You should post a picture of your current self right now and let your readership be the judge of whether or not you are turning into the aforementioned "self-loathing hippie" (great line by the way) because Birkenstocks are the footware of choice for hippies and their spawn.

The Guinness Tooth said...

I'll see what I can do about the photo.

You're right I did leave the incorrect link. I'll fix it later tonight (the 18th, sorry for the delay). If you just want to peruse my blog my hatred for Hippies is mentioned as being one of the reasons I believe Vermont should be an independent nation.