Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ryan Adams & The Cardinals: Kingston NY, May 16, 2007.

Have you ever been to a concert where the performer sat in the dark for the entire performance with a hood pulled tight over his head and sunglasses o? And I quite literally mean sat in the dark. Well I did Wednesday night. I saw Ryan Adams & The Cardinals in some shit hole of a town in the Hudson valley, and while the music was less than spectacular the venue and town were even worse. I understand it that when you are a musician and you have a new album coming out that you want to perform tracks from that album. What I don’t get is refusing to tell the crowd why you are not playing guitar (sprained wrist) or informing us which songs are new, and which aren’t. That last claim might seem odd, Ryan Adams is one of my favorite musicians, I have all of his albums, and I should recognize his songs. I didn’t. Because of his sprained wrist the band could only play songs that required one guitar, which mean they played acoustic. Ryan took his saddest, slowest and most maudlin songs, and then made them sadder, slower and more maudlin. After about fifty minutes I was on the verge of falling asleep. For the first time in my life I had my eyes closed and my head bobbing at a concert. Then he played “Down in a Hole” by Alice In Chains. And for some crazy reason that perked me up. I’m in the audience for one my all time favorite musicians, and bored to death when he plays a track by a band that I don’t even like that much and it turns out to be the highlight of the show. Then he left the stage, after less than an hour. He came back to play two songs from Cold Roses, which the band stretched out to last almost 20 minutes. I’m glad the show was as short as it was. I don’t think I could have taken more of his country music. I know he is an “alt-country” musician, but I prefer it more “alt” than “country” songs. The best thing about this show was that it wasn't a normal show. When I finally get around to seeing a normal Ryan Adams show I can look back at this one as something special.


March2theSea said...

one of the many reasons I don't like this guy or.."get him".

The Guinness Tooth said...

It's always more entertaining when someone is a dick, and you're not on the receiving end of it. But I still love his music.

Mike Madsen said...

Have you been back to Kingston, NY since this show?