Saturday, November 18, 2006


I may be a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas music in November, but I can respect this man. His name is Larry Stewart, and he has been handing out money to strangers for close to 30 years. It started as a large tip, and progressed to him giving away $5, $10, $20 $50 and $100 to people he thought looked like they needed it. To date he has given away about $1.3 million. This year alone he will give out more than $165,000 dollars to complete strangers in Chicago and Kansas City. However, he is weak from chemotherapy, and will be sending out trained Secret Santas in his place.

I don't have large amounts of money to give away to charity. Although I like to tell myself otherwise I am, in fact, in debt, but I don't want that to stop me. After reading the above linked story I went through my clothes and pulled out the ones I no longer need. The Salvation Army is closed for the weekend, but Monday I will be dropping off clothes for the needy. This isn't something I've never done before. I give clothes to the Salvation Army on a semi-regular basis, a couple times a year minimum. I know I don't give much, but I give some. Some of you reading this blog will probably read this and say I do too little, but thats wrong. Justing doing something is enough. If we all can give an extra large tip to downtrodden looking waitress, or buy a homeless man lunch, or donate some extra clothes to charity we will all be better off. You don't need to give out $100, all you need to do in make an effort.

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