Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Beer Book

I was home for a couple of weeks at the beginning on this month, and while I was there I picked up a great book about Beer. I didn’t read all of it, because half of the book is actually a reference guide and doesn’t make for good reading. But the book has become my new travel companion. The author is a guy named Michael Jackson. I was reading about him looking for a link, and it appears that he was one of the most respected figures is Beer literature of all time. He changed the way many people look at beer. Both drinking it and brewing. He liked to look at beer in reference to the culture from which it came. I read a lot, but I think this is the first book I’ve ever mentioned in my blog. If you’re a fan of beer, good beer, not the crap college freshman drink by the case, than check out this book. Now that I know his stature in the beer community I’m going to search out more of his books.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Michael Jackson could best be described as the "Roger Ebert of Beer," although his analysis of beer is far more literary and well-written than his film counterpart. He was a great writer and just passed away in the fall of 2007. He is definitely one of the great -- if not THEE greatest -- beer and whiskey writers. Some of his writing is on the internet as well, as he was writing for blogs and magazines up until his untimely death.