Tuesday, October 09, 2007



I love this place. BUT, there are a few things I miss. Like the MFing Red Sox. They are int he ALCS and looking like they have a chance to go all the way. I truly miss baseball, and American football. Soccer is like hockey, it needs to be seen live to be enjoyed. I just cannot watch these sports on TV. Fortunatly the Rugby World Cup is currently in action and Rugby is great to watch on TV. I've managed to catch a few matches so far. As fun as it is to watch I would prefer to be watching the Pats destroy the NFL with their supreme awesomeness. If the Sox make the WS I may be headed down to Zürich to see if I can find a bar playing the games, which will be expensive, it costs 26CHF for a one way ticket.

Other than American sports ther isn't much I miss. Beer is cheap, coffee is delicious (I'll never enjoy Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks again), food is cheap, water is oddly expensive and always carbonated, and the people are all extremely nice.


March2theSea said...

we miss you too!

Gabriel said...

Yeah, no kidding. Thanks.