Thursday, February 01, 2007

Fools. All of them foolish fools.

Apparently Boston authorities are pissed off about looking like total retards (I apologize to any actual retards for being lumped in with these shit-for-brains city officials). If you haven't seen it on the news yet, let me fill you in. The Adult Swim tv show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, was engaged in some guerrilla (don't worry it's nothing sinister) advertising campaign across the county. Part of this campaign was the installation of Lite-Brites (I love me some Lite-Brite action), in the shape of one of the show's recurring characters, around 10 different US cities.


As it seems that little Lite Brite, looks like a bomb to many people in Boston. In fact, one Boston official called the Lite Brite "sinister" looking. It's not often that governments wasting money on foolish mistakes offends, or angers me like this. BUT, the fact that they want to be reimbursed for their mistake, AND file criminal charges against the people that did this is just over the top. At this point they are just looking for a way to look less retarded (once again, sorry). They just need to let it go and admit they over reacted. In fact if anyone should be paying for this is, its the people who thought it was a bomb. I'm sure old people will disagree with me, but then again you probably belong in a nursing home.

Edit: I almost forgot to mention one of the best parts of the entire story. The two guys that were arrested, when asked about what had happened, would only answer question about haircuts in the '70s. I've got to get a transcript.

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