Friday, September 21, 2007

Still Alive

I've been so busy here the last few weeks. I didn't get internet until last Thursday, and then it cut out on me over the weekend due to a fire. It was fixed on Tuesday, but keeps cutting out on me. Last Friday I went to the local Oktoberfest here in Konstanz. And, tomorrow I will be attending Oktoberfest in Munich. The weekend before last I went to a Weinfest (wine festival) across the lake in Meersburg.

I'll fill you in on more info when I get the time. I've been so busy and the internet is so slow here that I've been reluctant to upload any photos. I want to share where I live with the world, or at least the 3 people that read this blog.

1 comment:

March2theSea said...

when I saw you responded on my blog I was wondering what was cooking..looks like you are enjoying the local flavors!! ha